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Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End

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Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End Empty Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End

Post by ironboltbruce Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:48 am

Global Revolution 1: American Revolution 2: Day 25: Communication 1
11 Oct 2011 (g1a2d0025c1)

Few questions of late have been asked more frequently or answered with less transparency than this one:


The domain name for the official website is FederalReserve.gov, the ".gov" extension of which suggests that the Federal Reserve System (a.k.a. the "Fed") is part of the United States government and therefore owned by the American taxpayers. But that is not the case. As the Fed itself states...

"The Federal Reserve System fulfills its public mission as an independent entity within government. It is not 'owned' by anyone and is not a private, profit-making institution. As the nation's central bank, the Federal Reserve derives its authority from the Congress of the United States. It is considered an independent central bank because its monetary policy decisions do not have to be approved by the President or anyone else in the executive or legislative branches of government, it does not receive funding appropriated by the Congress, and the terms of the members of the Board of Governors span multiple presidential and congressional terms."


Parts of that statement are true, sort of, and parts of that statement are not. Factcheck.org provides a better answer:

"There are actually 12 different Federal Reserve Banks around the country, and they are owned by big private banks. But the banks don't necessarily run the show. Nationally, the Federal Reserve System is led by a Board of Governors whose seven members are appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate... The concept of 'ownership' needs some explaining here, however. The member banks must by law invest 3 percent of their capital as stock in the Reserve Banks, and they cannot sell or trade their stock or even use that stock as collateral to borrow money. They do receive dividends of 6 percent per year from the Reserve Banks and get to elect each Reserve Bank's board of directors. The private banks also have a voice in regulating the nation's money supply and setting targets for short-term interest rates, but it's a minority voice. Those decisions are made by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), which has a dozen voting members, only five of whom come from the banks. The remaining seven, a voting majority, are the Fed's Board of Governors who, as mentioned, are appointed by the president."


That's a better answer, but not a totally complete or correct one. Yes, there are 12 Federal Reserve Banks, all of which are owned by private banks, and all of which must pay dividends to their owners. So contrary to what it claims, the Fed is not only privately-owned but a for-profit enterprise. And yes, there *should* be 7 members of the FOMC appointed by the government and 5 appointed by the banks. In fact, however, for unstated reasons and for some time now there have been only 5 people seated on the FRB Board of Governors, none of whom are celebrated consumer advocates...


...which means government appointees do NOT outnumber bank appointees on the FOMC, and you can rest assured that the private banks DO "run the show":


So the question then becomes:


The Web is awash with lists and percentages on this one supported by nothing more than links that refer to other links that refer back to the original and often anonymous post. A notable exception is the work of Jake Towne, who in March of 2009 applied an admittedly imperfect but plausible engineering approach to the problem and, after some extensive research and number-crunching, concluded the following:

"[The] top 4 banks - Bank of America (BAC), JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, and Wachovia - would control roughly 50% of the stock of the Federal Reserve Bank, and the top 10 banks, including Wells Fargo (WFC), HSBC (HBC), and the Bank of New York (BK), would control over 68% of the stock."


So according to Jake, whoever ultimately controls these ten banks thereby also controls the Federal Reserve:

Bank of America Corp.
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Wachovia Bank (subsequently acquired by Wells Fargo)
Wells Fargo N.A.
US Bank
State Street Corp.
Suntrust Bank
Bank of NY Mellon

TO RECAP... The Federal Reserve System that has used its debt-based currency to exploit our economy since 1913 is a private banking cartel consisting of 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks. Each of those banks are required to pay dividends to their shareholders, which makes them for-profit enterprises. Those shareholders are all private banks and obviously also for-profit enterprises that exist not to maintain the welfare of humankind - or even the American subset thereof - but rather to maximize the wealth of their shareholders.


Keep tracing your way up the ownership pyramid, and you may find some have (in)famous names like Rothschild, Rockefeller or Buffett. Others in this global elite we collectively refer to as "the 1%". Either way, their interests align with those of the rest of us - "the 99%" - only in the same manner as those of shepherds and the sheep that they shear in good times and slaughter in bad.

This must end. And that is why the Fed must end.

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I am not just a Consumer. I am a Citizen.

I will no longer be labeled Left or Right, Liberal or Conservative, Demopublican or Republocrat.

I will no longer follow Puppets labeled Left or Right, Liberal or Conservative, Demopublican or Republocrat.

I am the People. And I am coming for the Puppetmasters.

I am part of the 99 Percent. And I demand the following:

1. End the Fed.

2. Reverse Citizens United.

3. Repeal PATRIOT Act.

4. Expose 9/11 Truth.

5. End Profit Wars.

6. Refund Taxpayer Trillions.

7. Imprison the Kleptocrats.

8. Single Term Limits.



"Democrat", "Republican",
The parties of the system;
Puppets both, for sale their votes,
No character or wisdom.

"Liberal", "Conservative",
For change or status quo?
Pick either one, the change is none,
All charlatans and whores.

Far "Left" we place the Anarchists,
Libertarians claim far "Right";
Yet both decry the government:
False continuum brought to light.

For oil, "We" bomb their mud huts,
Strip them bare, then offer "Aid";
And fake their retribution as
Pretext - a false flag raised.

Unarmed hundred thousands killed
By weapons of "Defense",
While rights are lost for "Freedom" sake -
On profit, all depends.

With stroke of pen, the "Patriot" Act,
And patriots' gifts are taken;
Then "Citizens United" leaves
Our citizens forsaken.

We protest loss of liberties,
Put "World Wide Web" to use;
Cloudmark Authority censors us
For "messaging abuse".

They label us to finger-point,
With labels, "They" deride us;
Their labels keep us all at bay,
For with labels, "They" divide us.




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PUBLIC NOTICE: No talking heads on Comcast/GE's NBC/CNBC/MSNBC speak for us. No talking heads on Murdoch's Faux News speak for us. No talking heads at the Kleptocracy's Compliant News Network (CNN) speak for us (no matter how dull, deliberate or subtle their delivery). No talking heads in the lamestream media speak for us, period. And neither do ANY of the 537 bought-and-paid-for Kleptocracy puppets in Washington DC who will soon be joining our legions of unemployed!


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Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End Empty Re: Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End

Post by Cass Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:19 am

Not sure Ron or Rand Paul are the answer. AAMOF, I'm sure their values have quite a bit of "screw the poor" mixed into it.

‎"The greatest hoax of the last couple of decades has been the ability of the right wing to co-opt members of the struggling lower middle class and lower class and pretend they speak for them while enacting policies that enable the super-rich. They’ve used wedge issues like gay marriage and abortion and the baby Jeebus to alienate folks from their own economic interests, feeding them a steady diet of hatred of minorites, the educated, science, and, well, reality to create a voting block of people so guided by hatred of the “other” that they would crawl over broken glass to cut their nose off to spite their face."


Let's be real here: it's the false equivalency, "both sides do it", bipartisahip bulls*** that has gotten us here in the first place. While there is a sizable amount of Dems who are corporatists, let's say 60%, we know 100% of Republicans are for corporations, screwing the middle class and poor, and bigotry. They are obstructionists and will stop at nothing until we are all paying for the rich to get richer. Bill Maher put it best (paraphrasing), being an independent doesn't make you politically savvy or "in the know"; it makes you schizophrenic. I'm sorry, but the poem, while cute, is an illustration of part of the problem: a lazy electorate who's more interested in being fed "bipartisan" bulls*** than doing some digging on their own and smug, "above it all" psuedo-intellectual BS.

So unless we're planning to run a third party candidate, and we're not because it ain't that organized, we need to be realistic about who is going to help us meet our goals. We need to support Democratic candidates and toss these obstructionists, treasonous Republicans out! At least the Dems have a traditional platform that is in line with us.

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Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End Empty Re: Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End

Post by ironboltbruce Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:29 am


Partisan political commentary, be it Demopublican or Republocrat, has no place in this thread, this forum or this revolution. Our Kleptocracy-controlled two-party system is part of our problem and will not be part of the solution.



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Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End Empty Re: Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End

Post by Cass Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:35 am

I'm sorry, but you aren't the arbiter of what can or cannot be said, for one. And no, I will not refrain from pointing out psuedo-intellectual, high school level political analysis as neither prescient or intellectual. If you've bought into the both sides do it meme, congratulations, you're a mouthpiece for our country's media. Good job. You deliver your talking points well.

Two, how dare you come into a forum of ordinary people who are out of work, have no health insurance, foreclosed, etc. and start spreading some glibertarian nonsense. I can find that same Federal reserve drivel on every glibertarian, Randian, and conspiracy theory website and forum.

And three, as I said earlier, it's that smug, "above it all" mentality that has allowed the real threat to this country to stay in power. We have two choices. I know who isn't waging a war on women and minorities, and unions, and science, etc. They don't start with a "D".

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Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End Empty Re: Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End

Post by ironboltbruce Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:39 am

You validate my point, and I rest my case.


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Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End Empty Re: Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End

Post by melittophily Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:03 pm

Welp, I agree with Cass, and I'm not a Democrat nor am I a fan of the Democratic Party.

Besides that, "9/11 Truth" is embarrassing tinhat conspiracy theory.

And this seems like a good place to let people know that Ron Paul wants to:

define life as starting at conception

build a fence along the US-Mexico border

prevent the Supreme Court from hearing cases on the Establishment Clause or the right to privacy, permitting the return of sodomy laws and the like (a bill which he has repeatedly re-introduced)

pull out of the UN

disband NATO

end birthright citizenship

deny federal funding to any organisation which "which presents male or female homosexuality as an acceptable alternative life style or which suggest that it can be an acceptable life style"

and abolish the Federal Reserve in order to put America back on the gold standard.

He was also the sole vote against divesting US federal government investments in corporations doing business with the genocidal government of Sudan.

Oh, and he believes that the Left is waging a war on religion and Christmas

he's against gay marriage

is against the popular vote

opposes the Civil Rights Act of 1964

wants the estate tax repealed

is STILL making racist remarks

believes that the Panama Canal should be the property of the United States

believes in New World Order conspiracy theories

not to mention his belief that the International Baccalaureate program is UN mind control..


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Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End Empty Re: Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End

Post by ironboltbruce Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:12 pm

As a reminder to any intelligent readers capable of independent thought who may have waded through all the partisan BS above, my original posting has nothing to do with Ron Paul, Tweedledum, Tweedledee or any other bought-and-paid-for partisan politician - and that's true regardless of what their stated position may be on any of the issues I raised.

Our focus here is the global revolution, not the next election.


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Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End Empty Re: Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End

Post by melittophily Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:16 pm

How is it partisan? I'm a registered independent who doesn't particularly like Obama or most of the Democratic Party. It's just stated facts. The "end the fed" movement is largely driven by Ron Paul, a man who wants us to return to the laissez faire days of the 19th century.


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Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End Empty Re: Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End

Post by polyb1123 Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:13 pm

Hey phily,

What 911 'tinhat' conspiracy do you prescribe to? Last time I checked there are nothing other than conspiracy theories regarding those events.

Next, do you have any proof of what theory you support?

Finally, let's face it, all this stuff regarding the Fed, the 'elites' royally screwing all of us, etc. was nothing more than 'conspiracy theory' just a few short years ago.

I'm curious because if you prescribe to the official conspiracy theory then you have somewhat of a contradiction on your hands. On the one hand you are saying that what we were told by the MSM and the government to be completely true. On the other hand it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize these jerks are nothing more than pathological liars, not to mention thieves and murders. Do you really want to put faith into those kinds of people?

Personally I wont and I have relied on my own research to asses that one for myself. Oh yeah, I do have a background in physics and those events were physically impossible according to the official account. Not to mention a whole laundry list of problems with the NIST reports, the 911 commission, etc.

Are you sure you are ready to jump down the rabbit hole?


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Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End Empty Re: Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End

Post by melittophily Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:32 pm

I believe that Islamic fundamentalists hijacked some airplanes and turned them into weapons in order to attack centers of US financial and military imperialism. True, the Bush administration cynically used it to to authoritarian/imperialist ends, but that doesn't mean they were behind it. Even Noam Chomsky has said the 9/11 Truth movement is pretty much a collection of circumstantial and distorted evidence, and he's pretty much dedicated his career to criticizing the foreign and domestic policies of the US for decades.

Not believing in a conspiracy theory doesn't mean uncritically accepting every MSM/official government narrative. Just because I didn't believe the WMD excuse for invading Iraq doesn't mean I accept Holocaust denialism or "vaccines cause autism," for example. It's called critical thinking and nuance.


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Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End Empty Re: Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End

Post by Trizzle Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:21 pm


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Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End Empty Re: Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End

Post by polyb1123 Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:50 pm

So what you have is a 'belief' but what I asked for was proof. If we are to be critical we have to abandon 'belief' in order to ascertain truth.

I also asked are you are sure you are ready to jump down the rabbit hole primarily because I do understand what kind of inhibition 'belief' has on critical thinking. We are in southern Georgia and one does not have to inquire very much to understand how distorted beliefs can affect peoples presumptions of truth. I have been told by many in this area that I am going to hell because I do not 'believe' as they do. Not to mention 'belief' is just a clver word for wishful thinking. One of the outcomes of this 'revolution' is going to be the fact that many are going to 'wake up' to the fact that they have had the wools pulled over their eyes for years regarding a plethora of topics. It will not be a fun experience for those who are still holding onto those 'beliefs'.

As for proof as to 911 being a controlled demolition, yes I do have that!


BTW that is a peer reviewed journal and to date there has been no article that rebukes it. 2 years and no article to counter its' claim. So there is some proof, for more I recommend visiting the Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth. There is plenty of erudite proof to support the controlled demolition hypothesis:


Of course I prefer the scientific method and they practice that.

As for Chomsky, aside from his general lack of criticisms of Isreal which I personally find strange especially considering how much influence they have on DC(see Walt and Mearshemire's The Isreali Lobby and US Foriegn Policy), I no longer put much stock in his opinion. The net has marginalized him in many respects. Yes I really liked 'Manufactured Consent'. My critique of him mainly stems from his position on 911 as well as he more or less appears to be a 'left gate keeper'.

So to reiterate, do you have proof to support your belief and are you sure you are ready to go down the rabbit hole?


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Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End Empty Re: Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End

Post by polyb1123 Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:57 pm

You're right trizzle, getting a bit off topic but then again.....

How is this for a good video to get people educated on the topic of the FED:
The Money Masters- its over 3 hours but really educational!


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Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End Empty Re: Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End

Post by melittophily Tue Oct 11, 2011 3:07 pm

Hey, cool, here's another paper from a peer-reviewed journal!
Very Happy

Chomsky has been outspokenly anti-Zionist for decades. I don't take Chomsky's word as gospel, the point is that just because you are skeptical of a conspiracy theory doesn't make you MSM ~sheeple~. Nice try though.


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Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End Empty Re: Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End

Post by Trizzle Tue Oct 11, 2011 3:13 pm

i found this place to counter 9/11 research.

but note, there is no name or contact info on the page. who runs it? does he/she/they have any kind of degree? I know engineers who agree with the 9/11 is controlled demolition theory. what is their credentials?


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Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End Empty Re: Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End

Post by melittophily Tue Oct 11, 2011 3:23 pm

Here's one:

"I've told people that if (the argument) gets too mainstream, I'll engage in the debate," said Eagar, a materials engineer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "It is getting more mainstream, and Steve Jones is responsible for that."

"I haven't seen anything from Dr. Jones or anyone else (in the 9/11 truth movement) that can't be discredited."

Critics say a technical rebuttal isn't worth the effort. They say the truth movement's demolition theory would have required a large group to set hundreds of charges on dozens of floors in three buildings. They say such a conspiracy would require thousands of still-silent accomplices and ignores other data.

"These people (in the 9/11 truth movement) use the 'reverse scientific method,'" Eagar said. "They determine what happened, throw out all the data that doesn't fit their conclusion, and then hail their findings as the only possible conclusion."



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Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End Empty Re: Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End

Post by Cass Tue Oct 11, 2011 3:58 pm

ironboltbruce wrote:You validate my point, and I rest my case.

You have no point other than some Glibertarian BS that doesn't belong here. You have no case as you have no proof. All those links you provide is the same tripe I can find on any conspiracy theory forum. Once again, bringing some Randian crap into a place like this is disgusting. Please take your high school level "analysis" and to places that appreciate such sentiments. I won't be responding again. I've found that people who aren't able to apply any kind of critical thinking and buy into the "both sides do it" meme are either deliberately mendacious or too d*** stupid to talk to. Either way it isn't worth my time.

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Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End Empty Re: Who Actually Owns the Fed and Why That Must End

Post by Trizzle Tue Oct 11, 2011 4:29 pm

This has got WAY off topic. I'm closing it


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